Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Oh My Weather

Personally, I think I talk about the weather too much. When I converse with my dad, it's about the weather, when I converse with my friends, I also talk about the weather. Most of the time I don't mention positive things on the weather. Occasionally when it is maybe sunny I was add a few pointers here and there about how happy I am, but in Scotland.. it is hardly ever sunny. Miracles happen when it is sunny!

That's what the weather is gonna be like in the next few days. I made it extra large just so you can see how miserable it makes my life and why I always moan about how wet and cold it is. THAT'S BECAUSE NO ONE LIKES TO BE WHIPPED BY THE WIND EVERY 2 SECONDS! When it's cold and raining and windy.. one gets into bad moods! Don't believe me? Scotland welcomes you :D You might even help the British economy and maybe stop so many shops from going into administration. Today I read online that it's not even April and the 4th British chain of shops has already gone into administration. First Blockbuster, then Jessops, HMV and now Republic. These have been added to the ever growing list. Keep it up and we will have no shops. That's why someone invented the Internet I guess. They could predict the future and knew we would need a shopping medium! 

Okay now I'm just amusing myself with my own jokes, I do that sometimes. Actually a lot of the time, especially when no one else finds it funny. Apparently I need to up my diplomacy skills... I don't know why I'm so blunt sometimes though! I was born like that lah, accept me for who (or what) I am thanks :D

Monday, 18 March 2013

Dinner @ Sopranos

Slightly overdue post because I was being lazy :P

So at the start of the month it was Becky's birthday, this means going out for a meal! At first I wanted to go to CJS, but they close on a Sunday ==" Then wanted Cafe 52 because none of us have ever been and prices seem reasonable, but they were closed as well. Here's a mini rant right: WHY IS EVERYTHING CLOSED ON SUNDAY??!! I don't understand, some people still want to eat out on Sundays and this just means limited choices..

Eventually, someone suggested Sopranos so we decided on there. Turned out to be pretty good actually. I especially liked the interior because we were seated right next to the door but if you turned round the corner, it was this:

Pretty right?? I think so anyways! It looks so oldish and vintage-y. Okay this photo has been filtered but I can't find the original so it'll do :)

Looking at the menu, the prices were reasonable as well and when the food came, the portion sizes were really good for the price. Enjoy food pictures! Looking at them makes me hungry haha


Fried Delight! Okay I just made up that name. This was what me and a few others had and consisted of fish, scampi and squid (I love squid!) and it was really good! But maybe just slightly bad for the throat. Btw have you see the size of those chips! They're MASSIVE

I thought I might add an "artistic" shot in :P My pictures aren't half bad

Overall I really liked the place but I thought the dish I had was more on the heated side. Still good tho :) Looking at all the food is actually making me hungry... 

P.s. I think I might start labelling my posts 

Sunday, 17 March 2013

My Car Accident-Miracle

I know I'm always complaining that nothing interesting happens in my life and it's always grey and boring and gloomy yada-yada.

Well, something interesting happened yesterday. Sort of. 

I don't actually know if it should be classified as interesting or freaky but I definitely know that it's a miracle.

Here's my story:

Yesterday I was driving to work at around 4.40pm and it was raining and wet etc. Basically not a good weather day. Then suddenly as I went around a bend I felt the car skid and start to go off the road. So I panicked (everyone panics in these situations right?) and attempted to steer the car back towards the road. I cannot actually remember if I applied the brakes on or not. But my feeble attempt failed, must be because I have a lack of arm muscles and cannot steer properly and although I felt the car spin, I still ended up going off the road. 

See the tire marks?

The whole incident actually happened really quickly (I think it took place in under 5 seconds) and so I can't actually really remember the details of what actually happened. All I remembered is feeling a few knocks and then stopped. And oh, I hit my head against the headrest so now my head hurts. But continuing. The first thing I did when the car came to a halt was to get out of the car because I thought it was going to explode! Like in the movies when someone has an accident and few minutes later BOOM! Yeah I didn't want that happening to me so I was like "Ahh get out get out!" But because my side of the door was pressed against the tree like you'll see in the picture below, I has to climb over to the passenger side and open that door. Because the car was slanted, the pull of gravity made pushing the door open so hard - so maybe I do have some arm muscles after all. 

When I got out, the first thing I thought was "THANK GOD!!", I think this was when I could think properly. Then I walked up the hill (not very far, maybe 1-2meters) and a couple of cars stopped to see what happened. Everyone was really helpful and I'm really grateful to them, especially to this Polish couple and their son who lent me their phone (because it was the one day I decided not to take my phone) and stayed with me throughout until my dad came.

Here are some pictures of the wreck:

I broke the tree ><" 

The boot of the car is squashed

When I saw how the car was damaged, I thanked God even more because it really is a miracle that I survived.. with just a bump on my head and a bruised knee

Because the back of the car was completely squished. Passerbys seemed really surprised I was fine and when my dad came, he didn't look happy but I think he was just really happy I was fine. Also he told me the people who towed the car said I got off really lightly because if the car didn't spin and end up backwards, I might not be typing this blog post right now. Actually I might not even be alive judging by the state of the boot. So I'm really grateful that I'm still sitting here typing on my laptop and reading other people's blogs :) 

I guess what I can learn from this experience is to be a safer driver. The car is definitely a goner and I don't know if I am going to be driving anytime soon since there is no car for me to drive and need to get the insurance sorted out etc. But I think in future I will pay more attention to the road, not that I wasn't but I might have gotten a little too comfortable with driving on that road. The most ironic thing is that before the accident, I was thinking about how fortunate I was to have driving for 2 years without any accidents.

But I'm still alive :D So time to cherish another day by revising ><"

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Being Badass!

Ola! (or is Ohla??)

I apologise for my badass attitude recently.. My blogging standards has been going down, to the point where it is non-existent. Haha why am I apologising?? Maybe no one reads this. To any passerbys, PLEASE READ MY BLOG LAH! :D But anyhow I should apologise to my poor self anyways because I promised myself when I started this blog that I will do my best to try and blog regularly and as often as possible. This blog is like my little baby, so in a way I feel that I have neglected my baby slightly ><" 

Okay one of the reasons that I haven't been blogging is because I haven't been in the mood really. Especially today when I feel like this: 

No joke. I feel like this right now even. Don't actually know why I'm feeling so down. Lack of food?? I had a sandwich about 3 hours ago, am feeling slightly hungry again. I might go make some noodles after this. Actually I don't need to, I bought some mini rolls, I can just use that to fill my small stomach up. 

My plan tonight was to actually do an exercise video. Thursday nights are supposed to be for exercise videos because that is when my flatmate goes home so I don't have to worry about looking stupid/embarrassing myself/disturbing her and can exercise to my hearts content! Unfortunately, that plan has only been successful for one week so far and after exercising last week, I proceeded to eat to my hearts content this week, hence... maybe I should stop exercising and then I will eat less? Because when I exercise I eat too much so if I don't I won't feel the need to eat as much right? 

Okay I am going off in tangents. I'm supposed to be providing excuses for my lack of life updates. There has actually been a lack of updates in my life. Besides Becky's birthday dinner on Sunday (another blog post on food maybe?? :D) NOTHING has been happening. I go to uni, I come back to the flat, I eat and poop and sleep and go home and go to church and work and the cycle starts again the next week. Oh I want to clarify I don't just eat and poop and sleep and go to uni once a week, this is an everyday happening :) I'm a almost healthy human being.

Because nothing is happening in life there really is nothing for me to say right? Maybe I shall turn into one of those bloggers who comments on news updates. Or I could blog about what I wear everyday? Actually I can not because I wear the same jeans for a few days usually. It's Scotland, I can be forgiven for lack of clothing change since it's cold ^^ Yes I think next time I shall comment on the news. This means I have to actually read the news first. 

Oh I have one bit of news! That new Harlem Shake thing (it's wearing off now so maybe not that new..) always gets on my nerves. I hate the song and I don't see a point of people putting up videos of themselves going crazy. Wells, people do that anyways but there's not a need to add music to the background. I cannot wait for that faze to pass. Even Gangnam Style is better. 

I seemed to have typed a lot on.. nothing. The easter holidays are coming up, hopefully I will have more to blog about then or will feel a need to blog more then ^^

Okay I need to find those minirolls to devour them! With irn bru :D If you've never tried irn bru you have to try it! I love <3