Thursday, 17 January 2013

Xiaxue's blog deleted

I was surfing the web this morning as usual, checking up on all the blogs I follow in the hope that they have done another update so I can read and procrastinate (I'm badass!). When I got to Xiaxue's blog I saw this:

A few thoughts ran through my mind then...
"Did she get hacked??"
"Shut her blog because she wants to be a mother?"
"I have one less blog to read nooooo!!"
"No one to introduce me to new products!!!"
I actually tried a few times just to make sure it wasn't my computer acting up or my internet connection, but all failed ><

Then googling and reading forum and tweets revealed that Google/Blogger deleted her blog most probably because they thought it was spam. Even though she is one of my favourite bloggers but the situation is still slightly funny. Mainly because Xiaxue is somewhat famous (in the blogosphere at least) and she even made it to Technorati so how can the Google/Blogger peeps not know right?

Xiaxue's blog was actually the first blog I started reading. I heard of her blog a few years before I was a regular reader (yes she is a legend!) and once I read a few of her posts I was hooked ^^" Her posts are witty, funny and at the same time smart. Even though she doesn't have a university degree she is still smart and business-savvy and earns more that many university graduates. Who says you need a degree to be rich? 

I know she has many haters and some of it is down to her opinions and the way she acts on situations (some people do deserve her hate tho) but hey! Each to his own right? Free speech man! You have to respect her for the success and her ability to keep it up. Hopefully Google will restore her blog soon! 

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